Cover Art!

It is now, at last, time for the cover art for The Core War and Other Stories to be revealed (click through to see full-size version):

The Core War and Other Stories

Beautiful, isn’t it? Now, click through here for more on the artist’s site.

Art credits:

Drake-class frigate illustrated by William Black more of whose brilliant work can be seen here: .

Drake-class crest by Zeynep Dilli.

Background image of the Carina Nebula:

Credit for Hubble Image: NASA, ESA, N. Smith (University of California, Berkeley), and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA).
Credit for CTIO Image: N. Smith (University of California, Berkeley) and NOAO/AURA/NSF.

Editing Status Four

First-pass: 400 pages (complete).

Second-pass: ~160 pages.

Formatting: 75 pages.

Cover art: aaaaaaaaaaa!

(Which is to say, man, I wish I hadn’t planned the release of this book during the slowest time of this business year, in which I can’t squeeze stock photography out of the budget, never mind commissioning custom art of the Drake-class frigate.

Whose deck layout I am still sketching out this morning, because… well, maybe someday.)