Trope-a-Day: Guns Akimbo

Guns Akimbo: Played straight in its single-target version, but not in its multi-target version; despite the modifications listed under Firing One Handed making this look possible, but for most people, unless you have some fairly radical improvements to your vision system, you’re still only going to hit one target at a time. And while those are technically possible, designate-and-forget smart weapons are a simpler solution to the same problem.

Trope-a-Day: Firing One Handed

Firing One Handed: Works much better with the small examples of personal arms, pistols and such, whose vector-control recoil compensation is very good indeed at making it manageable, and come with an aiming system that plugs directly into your personal-area network, which is to say, brain.

Nevertheless, averted for heavy carbines and slugguns, at least some of which have enough recoil left over even with the compensation to break your wrist and/or arm, even fired two-handed, if you don’t happen to be equipped with those fancy carbon-ceramic weave bone reinforcements they hand out in basic training these days.