We're currently in the process of migrating from our previous WordPress site. Things will be variously broken until we're done. Thanks for putting up with them!


Displaying random selection of memeweaves (1-12/396,241,117)…

Business/Contract Seeking Contract
Looking for work to do? Looking for work to be done?
MODERATOR NOTE: This memeweave is hosted on servers of Empire domicile and thus defaults to the Common Economic Protocol. Be advised that promissory performatives expressed herewithin are legally binding and enforceable.

Entertainment/InVids/Orichalcium Fist
Discussion about the heaviest metal!
MODERATOR NOTE: Spoiler warnings are MANDATORY for all endings of Orichalcium Fist VI: To All My Sins, Their Slumber and subsequent.

Misc/Or We Could Blow Up The Sun
Dedicated to all those brilliant plans with just one… minor… drawback.
MODERATOR NOTE: To be on-topic for this memeweave, the plan would actually have to work. Technically.

Misc/Brigadoons/Where’s the Floating Meme
Trade tips and theories on the next location of the Empire’s most exclusive nightclub.

We pass the laws Science/Physics abides by!

Social/Adventurers/There I Was
…and then we lifted ship without clearance, because everything was on fire!

Digisapiences only. No meat allowed.

For posters who’ve passed their first ten centuries.
MODERATOR NOTE: Age verification is required.

Social/Politics/General Discussion
Watch people enslave themselves in real-time!
MODERATOR NOTE: After another invasion from people who don’t understand the purpose of this memeweave, we’ve restricted distribution once again to Empire (Internal). For anyone within that distribution who still doesn’t get it – this is a snark ‘weave, sophs! If you want to be taken seriously, you want to be somewhere else! (And we still won’t take you seriously.)

Is that your pseudopod, or are you just happy to see me?

Technology/Technological Erotica
All the newest shiny things!
MODERATOR NOTE: All users are reminded that we are nonspecific as to the definition of technology. Anyone other than the moderation agents advancing an argument as to what does or does not qualify as techne will be banned and dropped.

Threats and Other Dangers/Basilisk Watch/Reports
Warnings (only) of cognitive weapon attacks capable of being introduced via sensory channels.
MODERATOR NOTE: Message format, composition and complexity limits, as well as internode permutation requirements, will be STRICTLY enforced.


