Maybe's Daughter
It is legend, it is rumored, it is whispered: That among and beyond those rare and curious cosmozoa which stretch their being along time and across space, there exist a set rarer and more curious yet which dwell a-straddle worldlines and in the gaps between, where Is dances its eternal waltz with Is-Not.
It is legend, it is rumored, it is whispered: These beings are said to be chance-twisters, destiny-eaters, and world-shapers; feeders upon resergy-gradients as naturally as life feeds upon energy-gradients, scavengers of the eternal divergence, self-proving lies.
It is legend, it is rumored, it is whispered: To some of these beings, there is no feast more delicious than an impossipoint, the pearl imprinted upon reality by will and desire; and to cultivate miracles they have become wish-granters, catalysts drawing the Is-Not into the Is in exchange for the sweetest meat.
It is legend, it is rumored, it is whispered: That once a grieving wanderer found their way by chance and unchance to their lair of such a being; and with honed will and the strength of despair made a bargain that one lost to them, ill-fated, dead and never-lived, should be restored, drawn across from a better-destined Is-Not into the Is.
It is legend, it is rumored, it is whispered, it is known: And though that wanderer is gone and more than gone, yet she walks among us; the Neverborn, the Dream-Wrought-Real, the Impossible Butterfly.
Maybe's Daughter.