Things Still To Be Done
Here, for your edification, is a list of all the things still to be done in migrating over here from WordPress, but which I know about and so which you don't need to remind me of.
They'll be struck through as they're done, and this post will be unpinned when they're complete:
Archive linkAtomic Rocket seal of approvalBack/forward links on postsDiscourse comment integrationFeatured posts on home page- First post on home page gets full text
- Fix Discourse comments for posts that already had them (in progress)
- Fix images and links (in progress)
Liberapay integration- Migrate WordPress comments (in progress)
- One-time payments
Patreon integration- Random post button
Read more should show similar postsRecommendationsRedirection from www. subdomain- Re-tag everything (in progress)
Show all tags on postsStripe-based subscriptionsSubscriptions to our newsletter- Tag cloud page