Eldraeic Word of the Day: velle
velle: river (SUBJECT is a river of land mass LOCATION, draining watershed SOURCE into DESTINATION)
This word also provides the -vel root found in many of Eliéra's river names of historical Alteníän origin, including most famously the Maethevel, which is born on the slopes of the Imperial Mountain, gathers itself within the Imperial City itself, and cascades over the escarpment at the Falls of Glass into the long lake around which the lower city is built, then flows out of the mountains through the locks of Sixcurves to drain the heartland of old Cestia, past its ancient island capital at Sundveil and the port-fortress at Heptaneth to meet the ocean at the Inlet of Golden Cranes.
Other rivers which match this pattern include the many-branched Ashínvel which, along with the arc of the Silverleaf Canal, connects the towns of Veranthyr; the twin rivers of the Selenian plains, the Iselyvel and Merélyvel, which meet and part again at Selestia, City of Bridges; their southern counterpart, the Chresyvel, which drains much of the lower continent and gives life to the city-states of Chresytané; and the Amynvel of Súlental and the Asariazvel of Gliniz in the far south, lending definition to those nations.
The naming convention has even made it off-world, with the rivers of the Five Valles of Talentar joining into the Ithravel, the Fivefold River, as they pass the planetary capital of Quinjano, and continuing south to empty into the Meridional Sea.