Snippet: A Saying
“Judge ye! And know that ye are judged in turn.” – Tectar Asamis, Second Exemplar of Saravoné
“Judge ye! And know that ye are judged in turn.” – Tectar Asamis, Second Exemplar of Saravoné
Y’all get May’s first question the day it arrived, ’cause it’s an easy one: So what would Imperial jurisprudence make of the notion of the plea bargain? Sarcasm, mostly. The way the more dyspeptic members of the College of Judicature would put it, there are two possible
High Times Future: As long as you’re competent to do what you have to do, when you have to do it, your neurological state and how you got there is your own business. Download all the drugs you like! (Well, except those falling under the category of Coercive Substances,
Without further ado: If you should encounter a situation where you have, in good faith, undertaken an obligation that is not itself particularly onerous or ethically objectionable, yet you find yourself in a situation where you must either violate some third party’s rights or default on said obligation, what