Eldraeic Word of the Day: Trakháln Ulalath
trakháln ulalath: (lit. “painful ignorance”); the things you don’t know that can hurt you. Originally Military Service slang, before entering into general usage.
trakháln ulalath: (lit. “painful ignorance”); the things you don’t know that can hurt you. Originally Military Service slang, before entering into general usage.
Imperial Military Service
Just been making some adjustments to the Imperial Military Service Table of Ranks today (specifically, adjusting the enlisted ranks to correct some seniorities and fix the missing E-9 grade), so here's the current version, screenshotted from my internal wiki for your convenience: For those playing the game at
The Imperial Military Service has long been considered somewhat unusual among military forces for the degree of respect it offers to those it has fought, and often defeated. This is not entirely accurate as a consideration, since a certain level of courtesy and mutual respect is hardly uncommon between gentlesoph
Eight Hells
This is Task Force Fourteen, as it steams at a leisurely twenty-two knots steadily east along the rocky southern shore of Míhayll Island, the southernmost in its archipelago. It had passed the entrance to the Míhayll Shallows yesterday at dusk, the shoal offering a back door to Lothell Bay for
Eight Hells
Vice-Admiral Ardelli, TDMS Skybreaker, commanding TF 14. Battleship CAS Antithemis, carrier CAS Antinomos, escorting destroyers, reported moving out Lothell Bay steaming ESE. Suspect attempting transit Adessír Straits tomorrow at local dawn. Heavy weather over Lothell Is. makes it unlikely fly off air cover. All measures intercept and destroy. 1SL, Calmiríë.