Trope-a-Day: Distress Call

Distress Call:

<breedlewheep>. Vessel in distress, vessel in distress. Cycle 214. Free trader More Money, More Propellant under attack by forces unknown. Reaction drive disabled. Point-defense laser not responding. Atmosphere venting from multiple compartments. Message repeats.

<breedlewheep>. Vessel in distress, vessel in distress. Cycle 215. Free trader More Money, More Propellant under…

So, yeah. Kind of like that pretty much everywhere, on the standard frequencies you’ll find in the Accord on the Law of Free Space or your local astrogator’s handbook, or if all else fails, on the guard/hailing frequency defined by the hydrogen line.

Not much else to say ’bout it.

(Side note: except maybe the fine custom that has evolved to deal with false distress calls – namely, very politely and insistently salvaging your ship anyway, then letting you have all the fun of navigating the Admiralty Court to get it un-condemned.)


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