
…well, not drabble.  I’m, as it turns out, not very good at keeping strictly to 100 words in length, and, well, since the point of this exercise is to help develop my writing muscles/fluidity/ability to just sit down and write, dammit, applying such an artificial constraint to the process is probably going to not help me.  I can work on making them actual drabbles once I’ve mastered the art of getting in touch with my Muse on demand, and all that.

But I am going to write something every day this year and post it, so by the end of the year, one way or another, by hell or high water, there will be 366 pieces of nanofic sitting here for your enjoyment.

And I’m not going to be giving up on my other writing projects, either, so…

Busy, busy, busy!

(The first will appear here shortly.)

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