Tinf? It’s a thermal hell of a planet. It’s sheathed in thick clouds of helium and methane and sulfur dioxide, scattering rain that’ll etch metal. Actinic Kortinf whips the atmosphere, thick as it is, into hurricane frenzy during the day, making ions enough to thrash the ground with lightning bolts of a size you’d never see on one of your milk-mild garden worlds. The leaden oceans melt shortly after dawn and are boiling by afternoon.
Then at night the temperature crashes again, and the flash-floods come with dusk. Aurorae light the sky all night, walls and curtains of color, green and yellow and blue and red as the atmosphere discharges again – Kortinf puts out too many rads that reach the ground during the day, so we can only come up to clean off the lava and tend the arrays at night.
And continuous radio noise, so you chaps with the wireless interfaces couldn’t hear yourselves think – nothing but hash all the time, from the lightning by day and the aurorae by night.
Leave? Chaos, no! It’s just like home!
– Alyáné Janaris-ith-Janaris, Sialhaith-adapt technician
I can understand why somebody would want to stay there once they modified themselves to live there. But what on earth possessed first generation colonists that this was worth the effort?!
Well, bear in mind that these guys might well have been Sialhaith-adapts before colonizing another planet suited to them…
As for why? Well, there are all sorts of interesting resources that form under those sorts of conditions. (Sadly, despite the pun opportunities, I shall not be naming one of them “Tinf oil”.)