
14+48:00 <DistCom, Skybridge>: system idle, all well
14+54:00 <DistCom, Skybridge>: system idle, all well
14+55:11 <Oversight, Skybridge North>: suspicious activity detected, monitor 8817
14+55:11 <Oversight, Skybridge North>: subject with masked identity (no Universal ping response)
14+55:13 <Oversight, Skybridge North>: unable to identify subject from URCS databases
14+55:13 <Oversight, Skybridge North>: designate subject as subject [GISHALEL]
14+55:15 <Oversight, Skybridge North>: escalate to Watcher
14+55:18 <Oversight: Skybridge North>: subject [GISHALEL] moving N from intersection of Starlight Ave/Oakleaf Cir.
14+55:18 <Watcher, Skybridge North>: performing analysis, subject [GISHALEL]
14+57:42 <Watcher, Skybridge North>: behavioral analysis suggests subject [GISHALEL] engaged in active surveillance countermeasures
14+59:09 <Watcher, Skybridge North>: behavioral analysis suggests subject [GISHALEL] rates 11/12 FURTIVE on Cíëlle behavioral index
14+60:03 <Oversight, Skybridge North>: subject [GISHALEL] lost from monitor 8817
14+60:03 <Oversight, Skybridge North>: subject [GISHALEL] reacquired, monitor 5590
14+63:50 <Watcher, Skybridge North>: backtrail analysis suggests subject [GISHALEL] actively tailing Citizen {UCID redacted for privacy compliance}
14+63:50 <Watcher, Skybridge North>: req drone oversight on subject [GISHALEL]
14+63:50 <StbyDrone #4, Skybridge North>: responding
14+63:50 <Watcher, Skybridge North>: escalate to DistCom
14+64:19 <Oversight: Skybridge North>: subject [GISHALEL] now moving E on Chronolith Dr.
14+65:30 <StbyDrone #4, Skybridge North>: acquiring subject [GISHALEL]
14+65:70 <DistCom, Skybridge>: intervention threshold reached, subject [GISHALEL]
14+65:70 <DistCom, Skybridge>: dispatch safety advisory, Citizen {UCID redacted for privacy compliance}
14+65:70 <DistCom, Skybridge>: req constabular intervention on subject [GISHALEL]
14+66:02 <StbyDrone #4, Skybridge North>: target acquisition, incapacitants armed
14+66:22 <Officer #19 (Jynel Cerron), Skybridge North>: responding
14+67:31 <Oversight, Skybridge North>: subject [GISHALEL] lost from monitor 5590
14+67:31 <Oversight, Skybridge North>: subject [GISHALEL] reacquired, monitor 5612
14+70:63 <Officer #19 (Jynel Cerron), Skybridge North>: subject [GISHALEL] acquired, engaging
14+70:63 <DistCom, Skybridge>: transfer operational command, Officer #19 (Jynel Cerron)
14+72:00 <DistCom, Skybridge>: system idle, op in local command
14-66:00 <DistCom, Skybridge>: system idle, op in local command
14-64:22 <Officer #19 (Jynel Cerron)>: subject [GISHALEL] in custody, returning to base
14-64:22 <DistCom, Skybridge>: dispatch advisory termination, Citizen {UCID redacted for privacy compliance}
14-64:22 <Watcher, Skybridge North>: release drone oversight on subject [GISHALEL]
14-64:22 <StbyDrone #4>: acknowledge release, returning to patrol pattern
14-60:00 <DistCom, Skybridge>: system idle, all well

– from the Watch Constabulary nightly log, Skybridge district

2 thoughts on “Watchers

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