“…and in exchange, you can keep anything you loot.”
“You’re not too clear on the concept of ‘mercenaries’, are you?”
“We’re fighting to overthrow our oppressors!”
“So, it’s a good cause. My livers are quiverin’… You want goodwill rates? Fine. I’ve got my own bills to pay. Food, fuel, ammunition, transport, medical, battle-damage, and – oh, yeah – mercenaries. Who negotiate their pay rates with considerable vigor. So guarantee to make up six points over expenses minimum if the looting rights don’t work out at three-quarter valuation, pay our death-and-rebirth benefits too, and we’ll win your war for you.”
“You are a mercenary!”
“Proudly. And 24% up front in hard cash – not local currency – plus reflux bonds.”
“24- Your brag sheet said 12%!”
“That was before you tried to pay me in looting rights.”
“And the reflux bonds?”
“Do you want a company of underpaid, unemployed mercenaries hanging around your planet?”
– mor-Lissek Galek negotiates a contract