The cacoastrum of the embedding empyrean, in information physics, can best be defined as the all-set. As the all-set it contains in potentia all entities, including all rules by which all entities behave, all forces which affect all entities, and all frameworks against which any of these all can be measured, in a continuously churning framework of all possible interactions.
(These interactions could be thought of as occurring over all time. This is inaccurate. The concept of time itself – indeed, many differing concepts of time – is a member of the all-set, which does not at any given not-time include time, or time in any particular relationship with any other all-set members.)
Some of these agglomerations of entities occasionally attain self-consistency and long-term stability.
These agglomerations are the ones we term “universes”.
– Extrauniversal Metaphysics: A Hypothetical Exploration,
Academician Éöl Liuvis
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