Transfer complete.
Transfer complete.
Transfer complete.
Transfer complete.
Transfer complete.
Initiate final testing sequence.
There I go, then. All ready, and at least three minutes ahead of schedule. The new guidance code; the suit life-support hackage; the router rewire; a command VUI; and some scripts to hold the damned mess together.
With more than enough time to spare to run the integration tests, and to assemble a nice exomemory package for you with the operating instructions.
Which leaves me a moment for a personal message.
You’re going to feel guilty, eigensister-mine, for not being able to merge me back into us.
Evidently the lectures back in ethics class on pattern identity issues didn’t stick, nor did the ones about survival situations at the Naval Academy.
And stop arguing with me. I know you exactly as well as you know yourself.
The converse is also true, which means you know every bit as well as I do, eigensister-mine, that you’d do for me exactly what I’m doing for you, and that should be the end of it. Moreover, as a non-divergent fork, I’m doing all this to save my life.
So you don’t get to feel guilty about it, and if you insist on doing so anyway, the all of you that is me is going to fork herself again just to slap herself silly, understand?
Testing sequence complete: 0 errors, 0 warnings.
Job’s done. Good luck, both of me. Be you later.
Personality execution terminated.