Sad Centenarian
All I can say is that I’ve never met a sad centenarian.
– seen in an immortality/resleeving debate on
All I can say is that I’ve never met a sad centenarian.
– seen in an immortality/resleeving debate on
‘Live free or die’ is a statement of ideals and preferences. It is not, and never will be, the policy of this corporation. Esémélí Estantel, syndic of the Riverside Eubiosis Foundation, in a Corporate Conflux debate over the marketing of life-extension technologies, beyond the Consensual Cultural Region
There are those, in the field of biotechnological and medical ethics, who class anagathics as dangerous and addictive, inasmuch as ceasing to take your life-extension drugs results in a plethora of aging-related side-effects, followed by death. The absurdity of this position and the farcical nature of its enforcement naturally ensure
Immortality Inducer: It doesn’t look like much, an immortagen. Most of the time, it looks like a pint of grayish fluid in a bag, a little saline, with a faint rainbow sheen. Intravenous tubing included. Responsible medical supervision not included. But inject it into your veins – ah, then the
So, today you get another worldbuilding post as part of answering a reader question; specifically, concerning the accidental/deliberate distinction and other questions of guilt and innocence in Imperial jurisprudence. This is, as you might expect, a mite complicated. So the first, and the easiest, part of the Curial court&
A little meta note on worldbuilding, inspired by - well, okay, it's January, so you can guess what the annoying discourse has been for the last four? - four - days. Now there is a thing that while it's hardly been a major theme, here, is
(To be pronounced, naturally, just like "Catholicism Wow!". You may feel free to imagine for yourself Buddy Queen Victoria, Buddy Cecil Rhodes, Buddy Genghis Khan, or Buddy Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus.) In which I write in response to this comment back on "Nom": Are there any
As a brief cultural note, today, I happened to be looking something up on the Atomic Rockets Future Mythology page, and was reminded of Crazy Eddie. (The one from Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle's The Mote in God's Eye, obviously. Even if, sad to say, that