Colonists wanted to settle on Tilain (Innia Rise). Currently unimproved T-class world, carbon dioxide atmosphere, mean surface temperature 270K. Partial ecopoesis in progress to mixed D-protein-lipid-D-carbohydrate ecology.
Independent/non-politan colonial corporation; not a freesoil world. Prospective colonists or colony groups expected to purchase a minimum of one share in the colonial corporation (current price: 5,980 Accord exvals) and provide own transport costs for self and stores delivered ex-ship at Settling Down, Tilain. Transport to lot provided.
One 5 x 5 mile homestead lot including mineral rights and basic prefab included with single colony-share purchase; further lots are available with additional share purchases. (All shares are voting.) Lots selected upon arrival. Full climatological, soil and mineral surveys available. Lots selected must be contiguous. No space in existing urbs available.
Minimum hundred-year commitment. Spacer certificate required. Families and possessors of early-colony skillsets preferred.
For more details, contact: Tilain Colonial Corporation, Suite 437, Vitry Building, Third Ring 45°, Conclave Drift.