…is what I have been thinking about this morning, seeing as it’s likely to come up before all that much longer in ongoing writing. So here, have a snippet that, I think, illuminates some cultural differences:
Article V: Salvage of Persons
1. No remuneration is due from sophont persons whose lives are saved; but the salvors shall receive positive-externality payments from the Admiralty Court assessed as if acting under the universal duty to prevent cognicide.
2. A salvor of sophont life, who has taken part in the services rendered on the occasion of accident giving rise to salvage, shall be entitled to a share of the payment awarded to the salvor for salving the vessel or other property or preventing or minimizing damage to the environment, properly reflecting and annulling their opportunity costs rightly incurred by choosing instead to salve persons at risk.
– Salvage Act, section III, article V