From Neithe Daphnotarthius the Elder to Neithe Daphnotarthius the Younger, greeting.
This message is not the manuscripts you expected to be delivered the day after having your brilliant idea, regretfully. Please understand that the problem we encountered with your brilliant idea was that it was actually an idiotic idea: it turns out that while using a knight’s-move transit such that we can publish our next series first and together, and then write it in peace afterwards, has the slight drawback that we cannot escape learning details of the story and reactions to it while we try to work on it, which makes writing it virtually impossible.
Or so I am given to understand, based on the message you are reading now, which I received last week. As I have and you will have confirmed by the temporal mechanists I consulted over said last week, this is a valid case of a predestination paradox creating an informational loop.
In any case, since we’re going to have to write it the old-fashioned way, you’d best get started. Once you convince yourself that this message is what it claims to be and you send yourself a copy, anyway.
And don’t take the wager you’ll be offered in the morning. Trust us on this.
You (Plus Eleven Days)
I’m reminded of an old Calvin and Hobbes story arc where Calvin uses his cardboard box “time machine” to try to get out of doing his homework by stealing it from himself two hours in the future, when it would be done — only to discover that future-Calvin also procrastinated on his homework, because, well, he didn’t want to do it either.