Better Alternative

anti-buckling vents: vents, either permanent or automatically opening (using, for example, rupture disks) in the event of a significant pressure differential across them, installed in non-spacetight bulkheads and deckheads to prevent them from behaving as de facto spacetight compartmentalizations while lacking the structural strength to serve in that role.

After a number of incidents in which decompressions caused by hull punctures and the resulting pressure differentials caused crumples and collapses of non-spacetight bulkheads, severing piping and cable runs passing through or along those bulkheads, anti-buckling vents became a standard component of celestime architecture.

(For this reason, it is important to immediately follow decompression procedures when the alarm sounds, whether or not the source of decompression appears to be in the current compartment.)

– A Space Traveler’s Dictionary

Notable Replies

  1. If decompression alarm sounds and you’re not urgently acting as if your compartment will breach at any moment, you’re the sort of takes-breathing-for-granted groundlubber that has no business crewing on a starship, and quite likely would be best transported as cryocargo.

  2. The intended audience for the Space Traveler’s Dictionary includes a lot of people who don’t live there and are thus still in need of learnings.

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