Empire Tips: January/February 2023

Ithával excellence tip:

“Pretentious” is the whip wielded by insipid souls against the ambitious. Treat it with appropriate contempt.

Kubé Salvarin legal tip:

He who guards a thing, guarants a thing.

Azuma Morotai family tip:

Devotion does not come from blood, but from the heart.

Olbria Amanyr courtesy tip:

Humility is a shameful admission in the low, and a nauseating affectation in the high. Eschew it.

Gilea Cheraelar lifestyle tip:

The best things in life are expensive. That’s what value means.

Olbria Amanyr pride tip:

Only the inferior must prove their superiority.

Arlannath ethics tip:

Ill means poison all good ends.

Vinaz Oricalcios health tip:

If someone doesn’t want to live forever, find out why they don’t want to live now.

Arlannath lifestyle tip:

You, and only you, are responsible for yourself.

Alwyn Muetry theology tip:

Seek not answers from the gods; ask them only for the right questions.

Arlannath philosophy tip:

Seeking the truth is a simple matter compared to accepting it, once found.

Olbria Amanyr ethics tip:

A gentleman’s promise is a gentleman’s debt.

Imperial surrender tip:


Kynthia Andracanth courtesy tip:

In his own hall, there is every man a sovereign.

Valentia Amanyr ethics tip:

None may perform by another an act which he may not perform himself.

Azuma Morotai social tip:

Fragrance clings to the hand that gives flowers.

Lord Blackfall plotting tip:

Explain your victory only once it has been achieved.

Isif Alclair preparedness tip:

Train as if you’re in command. You never know when you might be.

Orimúr Falsazik engineering tip:

If a solution’s side-effects make things worse, it never was a solution.

Gilea Cheraelar economics tip:

One should weep to hear the poor rail against greed, for it is as if the starving blamed hunger for their plight.

Azuma Morotai courtesy tip:

When one wolf seeks to challenge a rival, they bow.

Vinaz Oricalcios health tip:

Wounds to the body heal faster than wounds to the spirit.

Gilea Cheraelar economics tip:

That which has no price has no value.

daráv xíjirár; jaqef vigínár

(“A sophont chooses; a servile complies.”)

– traditional wisdom

Elyse Phylarius conflict tip:

We best destroy our enemies when we make them our friends.

Alphas Amanyr ambition tip:

Do not quail, nor turn away, nor shun risk, nor hide behind the mask of cautious counsel, for fortune favors the bold.

Sung Iliastren rationality tip:

You are the slave of the thoughts that you refuse to think.

Overheard From Another Universe courtesy/survival tip:

Don’t go visiting other folks’ intentions. Don’t ever.

Niomé Sargas dating tip:

Mortal peril may make for a fun date, but always let your companion know in advance so they can dress accordingly.

(Shoes that are both fashionable and perilous take time to arrange.)

Irilenne Naratyr fashion tip:

A sharp appearance may cut deeper than the sharpest of swords.

Elyse Phylarius negotiation tip:

She who speaks with anger makes her anger heard, but her words forgotten.

Octíëve Súrnedal documentation tip:

Write it, or you’re going to the special hell.

Marú Liuvis temporal mechanics tip:

Time travel can’t solve any problem that it hasn’t already solved.

Galatia Allatrian conflict tip:

If a situation requires violence, it can only require violence of an appropriate severity.

If it does not, it befits you as a daryteir to remain courteous, kind, gentle, generous, honest, and clement until the killing begins.

Even afterwards, if you can manage it.

Gilea Cheraelar economics tip:

Cultures that develop elaborate philosophies about their lack of need for wealth are compensating for something.

Usually poverty.

Alphas Amanyr greatness tip:

Look upon my Works, ye Mighty, and surpass them!

Notable Replies

  1. So this is how I find out that Isif survived.

  2. Could be worse. This is how I find out you never bought the book.

    (sad author face)

  3. Or have bought it but never gotten around to actually reading it…

  4. (sad reader face) Will probably correct that soon if it’s any consolation

  5. I can assure you that’s not an issue with Eldraeverse material

Continue the discussion at eldraeverse.discourse.group


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