Fate and Chance

There are two primary classes of worldline-affecting ontotechological devices: the aleaic and the moiric. Aleaic devices modify the probability of random events, typically to operationalize low-probability events or processes or to avert high-probability events. The former is typified by the probability kiln, which manipulates the evolving worldline phase-space to elevate the probability of desired results, making otherwise low-yield or impractical processes practical; the latter, in turn, is typified by the probability unseller, a protective military technology which magnifies the probability of glancing hits or misses.

The moiric device, on the other hand, addresses itself not to the chances that affect worldlines, but to their proximity, thrust, and drift. Examples of this class include, for example, the moiric alarm, which reads the future termination of its own worldline to warn of danger; the Inevitable Certainty Engine and tendency traps, worldline-attractors; their inverse, the aversion generator, a worldline-repeller; a variety of as-yet theoretical splay technologies; and so forth.

(The parallels between these classes and the mythopoetic division between the generic blessing and the specific curse have, obviously, been noted.)

An Introduction to Ontic Devices, Meliamne Ophris, Irreality Vault researcher


A duel begins and ends with one stroke. So it is said.

With tactical prolepsis, this is even more true than it once was.

I stared at my opponent without seeing him; in the view of proleptics, there are no objects, only clouds of probability and possibility. The quantum computer in my head purred to itself, whispering tactical analysis engrams into my undermind and running massively-parallel anticipatory simulations.

The target was a blob of probable solidity, fuzzy with microcausal jitter. Bifurcating arcs of destiny writhed in secondary visual fields, ignored to concentrate on the glittering blurs of near-term possibility, threatening to actualize at any moment.

One second passed. Two.

A third, and then a probability spike, one possible future hardening towards actualization. I took one step to the left, my cannon rising in my hand. Distantly, I felt the tremor as the flechette left the barrel; something whipped past my ear, ruffling my hair with the wind of its passage; and then he was falling, helmet shattered and venting rapidly-condensing gas into the void.

One stroke.

Well, Probably



A proposal to make use of moiric-temporal mechanics for engineering functions. It is known (p>6σ) that, per the Chronological Consistency Protection Theorem, the probability of any event-chain violating known causality will be forced to zero via the destructive interference of quantum wavefunctions. In accordance with the worldline-pruning theories of Oricalcios, Steamweaver, <Cerulean Glissando in D Major>, et alii, the proposed device makes use of acausal logic techniques coupled with synthetic closed timelike curves to trim regions of the downstream probability phase-space leading to undesired results, thus elevating the probability of desired results. This enables manufacturing processes of extremely low yield or dependent upon quantum events of otherwise negligible probability to be successfully operationalized.

Granted, this isn’t my specialty, but isn’t this same process almost guaranteed to also magnify the probability of the most bizarre, unlikely, and unplanned-for failure modes?

– Galry Aristede, Range Safety

Doesn’t that suggest that we should avoid using any safety systems, in order to ensure the availability of simple and predictable failure modes?

– Symel min Argyll, Range Safety

Damned if I know. I think we need a metaphysical consult.

– Galry Aristide, Range Safety

Could this be used as a synthetic luck machine?

– <clicktrillwhistle>, Potential Applications

Please don’t ask that question in front of the scientists.

– Galry Aristede, Range Safety