There are two primary classes of worldline-affecting ontotechological devices: the aleaic and the moiric. Aleaic devices modify the probability of random events, typically to operationalize low-probability events or processes or to avert high-probability events. The former is typified by the probability kiln, which manipulates the evolving worldline phase-space to elevate the probability of desired results, making otherwise low-yield or impractical processes practical; the latter, in turn, is typified by the probability unseller, a protective military technology which magnifies the probability of glancing hits or misses.
The moiric device, on the other hand, addresses itself not to the chances that affect worldlines, but to their proximity, thrust, and drift. Examples of this class include, for example, the moiric alarm, which reads the future termination of its own worldline to warn of danger; the Inevitable Certainty Engine and tendency traps, worldline-attractors; their inverse, the aversion generator, a worldline-repeller; a variety of as-yet theoretical splay technologies; and so forth.
(The parallels between these classes and the mythopoetic division between the generic blessing and the specific curse have, obviously, been noted.)
– An Introduction to Ontic Devices, Meliamne Ophris, Irreality Vault researcher
"That one is alarmed at the prospect of devices which manipulate the heck out of the substrate of reality is merely a sign that one is still sane."
– Irreality Vault chief researcher
@cerebrate @avatar
Now *there's* some advanced tech.
Love that I can comment through the Fediverse, BTW!