Book Announcement

After a troubled period in its development, I am delighted to be able to announce that the third book in the Tales of the Associated Worlds series, Darkness Within and Other Stories, will be released on December 12th this year in Kindle e-book and paperback. Pre-orders will be open soon.

Additionally, to accompany this release, the previous two books in the series, Vignettes of the Star Empire and The Core War and Other Stories will be on sale starting December 1st, so if you haven’t already got them, that would be a good time.

(Or if you’re looking for a Christmas gift for a fellow SF reader, of course!)

Vignettes of the Star Empire

[Eldraeverse #1 Cover]I haz a book!

(As you can see from the addition of the “My Books” tab up above, no doubt.)

And you can find it on Amazon here, for Kindle, right now – over 44,000 words of nanofiction and metafiction from the Associated Worlds SF universe for the modest price of $2.99.

Buy a copy!  Buy ten copies!  Tell your friends, and make them buy ten copies, too!

But, no, seriously.  Vignettes of the Star Empire, the first collection of the nanofiction and metafiction which I’ve been writing (and including a couple of pieces not seen on t’blog) is now available as a Kindle e-book, all edited and polished and in its final canonical form.  For those of you who would prefer a physical book, that one’s not quite ready yet, but should also be available soon.  Not that you should let that stop you from buying an e-book copy too, of course.  Ahem.
