
The nodes of the public notification channel had snapped back to full operation within milliseconds of the pinch going off, and geotags bloomed in carmine distress across the wreckage below.  She noted approvingly the grounded flitters upstream of the wrecks, their drivers already moving in with unpacked emergency kits, foamsteel spray to cap venting slush and LiME to break through stubborn wreckage.

”Put us down there,” she directed. ”Yeah, by the crush.” A StellEx freight wagon – it must have been near the center of the flux – had spun out and crashed, swatting a half-dozen flitters out of the sky on its way down. The ambulances accompanying them were falling behind, collecting the merely wounded from the trailing wreckage.

Leaping from the rescue flitter at a low hover, she landed at the run, waving her credentials – Cerí Oriane-ith-Meliane, revivifier – at the constabular sequester-claim, and shifted overlays to stack-pings and danger-warnings only. The first stack was nearby, a corpse hanging through the windscreen of a flitter’s front half, impaled on the shattered diamondoid. She reached for the neck, pulled it down, and slipped her pithing knife smoothly through dead flesh and photon-cable alike. With a twist, the gleaming walnut of the vector stack popped free.

She dropped it into the embag at her waist, then looked about for the next ping-tag. There, inside that wreck. A spray of LiME and a few heartbeats’ pause embrittled the thin metal of the hull, and a kick shattered it like glass.

Shit. It’s a live one. The man inside the shattered flitter was still breathing, though barely, eyes glazed with agony. She made the call in moments – near-full-body burns, unsalvageable – and pressed a hissing euthspray to his neck. And then, again, it was the pithing knife’s turn.

And on to the third…

Trope-a-Day: Bi the Way

Bi the Way: Actually, pretty common.  While the original distribution of sexualities along the Kinsey scale (for the eldrae) would have been pretty close to that found in humans, the brain modifications done under the general category of “xenophobia elimination” seem to have compressed the scale at both ends a little as a side-effect, leading to something resembling this trope although still slanted statistically to one side (since the original curve wasn’t exactly a bell curve).

Not a side-effect that anyone was terribly bothered about, inasmuch as local attitudes tend much more towards “exclusive sexuality is a statistical curiosity, but…” or “ah, you Terrans and your quaint little categories” rather than “your sexual orientation is a DEFINING FACTOR OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE”.  And, hey, more freedom of choice!

(See also Everyone Is Bi for where further individual modification tends to go, sexuality-wise – further down the timeline.)

Trope-a-Day: Everyone Is Bi

Everyone Is Bi: Or at least can be, thanks to advances in sophotechnology making gender identity and sexual orientation as editable as any other mental properties, and reinstantiation in general making actual sex changes not all that much more complicated than flipping a few switches in the preferences screen of your brain.  And are, in fact, not merely readily changeable, but entirely optional.  But yes, most people have explored at least some of the implied possibilities.

Reading Back

“On the one hand, yes, we do find it repugnant to restrict the freedoms of speech and information, even to this limited and circumscribed extent.”

“On the other hand, since we have an entire ward filled with babbling lunatics who thought that the Silent Library was ‘where we’re hiding the good stuff’ rather than ‘a prison for hideously dangerous brain-eating information life’, we’re still pretty sure it’s the right call, y’know?”

“No, you can’t see them. Some of that babble is also hideously dangerous brain-eating information life, and we’re not absolutely confident that the rest isn’t.”

– briefing new members of the Select Committee on Existential Threats

How to tell if you’re Imperial…

(So, yeah, this is what you get today – not instead of a fic-a-day, because I will catch that up tomorrow – but before the fic-a-day because I’ve been trying to get it finished for three weeks and Never Quite Found The Time.  So, today, I sat down and made it my First Priority, belike.

It’s a style culture test – see, for example, Mark Rosenfelder’s “How to tell if you’re American”, here.  Much like that one, and its cousins for various other cultures and concultures, list those things shared by the vast majority of those cultures, here are some things shared by 90% of the people on the Imperial omnibus-analog, and which would all be contested in various other cultures.

So, without further ado…)

If you live in the Empire…

  • You are the fortunate citizen of the greatest, most glorious, most wealthy, most civilized, most advanced, most beautiful, and generally most superlative star nation anywhere, the jewel of the entire galaxy, if not beyond, too. Your belief in this is unshakable.
  • You believe deep down in the Fundamental Contract and the Imperial Charter – guaranteed by you and the rest of your fellow citizen-shareholders, all of whom disapprove very strongly of people who don’t. You may not recall all the contents offhand, but you certainly know the Rights and Responsibilities of the Citizen-Shareholder.
  • You weren’t born a citizen; you had to explicitly sign the Charter and buy your way in (that latter is why they call you a citizen-shareholder). This, obviously, means that your citizen-shareholdership is worth more than any citizenship you can get “for free”, and more valid than any that isn’t voluntarily assumed.
  • You know all the verses of all three movements (“How Glorious Our Motherland”, “Make Way for Tomorrow”, and “Hail, Freest of the Free”) of the Imperial anthem, even the ones that aren’t sung any more when Johnny Foreigner might be listening. If you’re a radical, you might have an eensy problem with the more outrageously jingoistic bits, but you sing it anyway.
  • You expect to see the national flag on every public building – after all, it’s essentially the Empire’s corporate logo, and it’s not like companies, Houses, and other organizations don’t put their logos on everything, now is it?
  • The image of your country – the more so because of voluntary citizen-shareholdership – is important, and you generally feel that the Empire doesn’t receive the respect you think it deserves. (Since no possible reputation could possibly live up to your monumental self-regard in this respect, this is largely true – and on a good day, you’ll even admit it.)
  • If you haven’t traveled abroad, you may indulge the conceit that the Associated Worlds are essentially a peripheral extension of the Empire. (Foreign travel generally makes this notion go away with some considerable speed.)
  • You believe in freedom of speech. (Except for lies on matters of fact, because that’s fraud; and for self-executing code, because that kind of software isn’t speech, as provided for in the Not Having Transsophont Computer Viruses Eat Our Brains Act, or something like that anyway.) But you also believe in freedom of consequences, and if you say something that makes your rep-net score plummet and/or businesses decline to serve you, well, that’s your own damn fault, isn’t it?

Day to day…

  • It’s quite likely that you live in space – only about two (physically embodied) people in five still live on planet surfaces. Whether or not you do, you’ve certainly been to space, and are familiar with microgravity and proper spacing procedures.
  • Yes, physically embodied. There are roughly twice as many active infomorphs in the Empire, at any given time, as there are embodied people.
  • On that note, it’s also probable that you’ve travelled to at least one and probably several other star systems.
  • You are comfortable with computers, cornucopia machines, nanolathes (hand-worn PDA/universal-tool devices), artificial intelligence, neural laces (implanted computer interfaces), muses (personal aide AIs running on said interfaces), ubiquitous networking, commonplace robotics, living in space, psychedesign (mind editing), forking (making complete or partial copies of yourself, with later remerging), body-switching and uploading into infomorph form, mindcasting, and technological immortality. You consider any place without at least most of these to be primitive, and anyone lacking a similar affinity to be backward.
  • And you consider anyone who doesn’t desire such an affinity to be appallingly and willfully backward.
  • The pattern identity theory has been generally accepted for so long that you have a great deal of trouble understanding why anyone would object to, say, uploading, forking, mindcasting, or immortality on those grounds. You are aware that a lot of them do, if only as a datum that doesn’t really make any sense.
  • While your main interface with the ubiquitous networks around you (the dataweave) is your neural lace, you certainly own a number of terminals as well, from ring to desk sized.
  • In the Empire, fields such as memetics and psychedesign are mature, along with bioengineering. Thus, your first assumption is that people’s personalities and reactions are chosen, rather than involuntary, and you probably react accordingly.
  • You have an acute sense of obligation. You would never dream of making even a casual promissory statement that you didn’t intend to follow through on, and certainly never give your word thus.
  • You probably know a large amount of trivia and customs, maybe even the language, of whatever your ancestral culture – or cultures – was before it was absorbed by the Empire, and practice quite a few of them day-to-day. (Cultural imperialism? That’s where we steal all the good bits from everyone else’s culture and claim they’re ours now, right?)
  • If you’re a man, you wear boots, trousers, weapon-belt, shirt, sash (carrying pattern, badges and other markers), waistcoat (with pockets), loose folded over-robe in formal dress, and when going out in the weather, cloak with either hood or hat. If you’re a woman, you wear boots, trousers or skirt (if not working and not in microgravity), weapon-belt, blouse, cravat (marked as for sash), differently-cut waistcoat (with pockets), loose folded over-robe in formal dress, and likewise cloak with either hood or hat. Women also have the option of replacing skirt-and-blouse with single-piece dress. Either sex may and usually does add jewelry and AR shimmer to all of this.
  • Tattooing and piercing (except for earlobe) are generally disfavored; the former, because you will change over your lifetime and anything you can communicate with them you can equally well communicate with ad-hoc makeup or a shimmer, and the latter because of a general sense that body modifications should be functional. If it’s not cybernetic, say the fashion mavens, why bother?

Ethics and Virtues

  • The Fundamental Contract is the most basic set of ethics; it sets out the fundamental natural rights of life, liberty, property, contract, and defense of all of the above. You believe not only in its fundamental rightness – after all, no-one can be an Imperial citizen-shareholder, or even admitted, without agreeing to abide by it – but also that it’s a universal and natural ethic that should be obeyed by everyone, whoever they are and wherever they’re from.
  • You also respect and try to live by the Nine Excellences (virtue ethics that sit atop the Fundamental Contract), the Five Noble Precepts (a negentropy-based morality), the Code of Alphas (a practical eldraeic morality broken down by daressef), the Eupraxia (a pancritical empiric rationalist guide to correct reasoning and action), and Eternal Progress (“technepraxic”; a science- and knowledge-based morality with an Extropian flavor and emphasis on the virtue of progress).
  • Said Nine Excellences, the Imperial virtues, are unity (including authenticity and self-integrity), honor (including justice, truth, and clemency), duty (including liberality and tenacity), reason (including wisdom and craft), courage, harmony (including beauty, courtesy, refinement, and the appreciation of excellence), right action, liberty, and dignity (including pride, propriety and temperance).
  • You’re used to the idea that, while people are equal in rights and before the law, people are not necessarily equal in merit, responsibility or achievement; and you’re comfortable with ranking systems (such as the titles translated as Excellence, Exquisite, Perfect and Paragon) that work on, and advancement on, this basis. Success is admirable; self-improvement is mandatory.
  • Thus, if it wasn’t for “Defaulter”, “slaver”, “parasite”, “dullist” (someone who believes that being less than you can be is acceptable, essentially), “cacophile”, and “entropist” would be the five most insulting words in the Imperial lexicon.
  • You believe that knowledge is the most important thing in the universe – well, possibly second to self-integrity – and development of the mind perhaps the most important thing you can do. (Concentrating on physical development is considered rather déclassé – muscles for their own sake are not considered attractive in Imperial society.)
  • You also believe deep down that enough science can understand anything, and enough technology can achieve anything, and any evidence to the contrary someone might claim to exist merely means that you don’t have enough yet.
  • You probably own at least a few thousand books, and have read all of them. You think of anyone who doesn’t, or worse, hasn’t, as uncultured, sub-literate, and barely sophont.
  • You live up to the spirit of your obligations; one who feels obligated only to the letter is to be reviled.
  • You always seek to civilize and organize your surroundings.
  • Your expletives, such as they are, are entropic (and often excremental) rather than sexual. Hearing sexual expletives from outworlders confuses you momentarily – why are they swearing by something enjoyable?

At Home

  • Your house is fully climate-controlled, and probably has considerable automation – or even total automation – and robot servants/assistants to handle cleaning, laundry, and other domestic tasks. If you’re well-off, you probably also have some sophont aides in supervisory positions.
  • You have a private car, or rather flitter (i.e., flying vector-control vehicle) garaged there. It’s self-driving. You yourself probably can’t drive it on manual; you’ve never needed to, and it’s never occurred to you to try.
  • If it doesn’t have a wet bar and a trinet terminal, it’s a small flitter. (Big flitters are the ones that have bathrooms.)
  • Public transit (which mostly means maglev local trains and flowstone slidewalks) in most cities and habs is very good; once you use your flitter to get to a region, getting around within it is very easy indeed. It’s also remarkably luxurious.
  • If you’re a pedestrian, you would never cross in front of stopped cars/flitters – they never stop, for one thing. You cross under the road. Requiring traffic and pedestrians to intersect is poor urban planning.
  • You drink strong esklav (neither coffee nor chocolate, but not entirely dissimilar to either), teas, fruit juice, synthdrinks (“soft drinks” in our parlance, minus things-of-nature like fruit juice, etc., but they don’t think of alcoholic drinks as particularly “hard”), wine, beer, or spirits. “Animals drink water. Civilized people don’t.”
  • You eat at a table, sitting in chairs or reclining on couches. You don’t kill your food; in fact, it’s much more likely that your meat/fish came out of a carniculture vat than from an actual animal, except on special occasions or gourmet restaurants.
  • The biggest meal of the day is in the evening; technically, the sixth of a possible eight in the traditional cycle, although very few people eat all of them.
  • You never season your food before eating it. That’s insulting the chef.
  • There are a number of restaurant chains (Astroburger, Blue Brew, etc.) that you might think of as cheap food, except that nothing you touch, never mind eat, could possibly be described as ‘cheap’. It’s ‘express food’ (sit down to eat it), or ‘transit food’ (drive-ins and drive-throughs), or ‘working food’ (take it back to the office), or some other suitable circumlogism.
  • Just about anything that can’t crawl off the plate and complain about it is considered food by someone, and you’re probably cosmopolitan enough to try most of those things. Octopodes, cetaceans, canids, and other similarly prosophont animals (or, indeed, plants) are the exception here.
  • Pretty much every kind of foreign cuisine there is can be found somewhere in the Empire, and the better-known ones you can be pretty sure of finding everywhere.
  • A bathroom generally means a sunken bath, or a series of sunken baths, normally big enough for a few people; sometimes it means part of the public baths. A toilet, however, will normally be in a separate room.
  • A hotel room has a separate bedroom (or at least a partitioned alcove) and a private bathroom. If the bedroom is fully separated, it may also have a private dining room.
  • You’re used to an extremely wide variety of choices for anything you buy, and moreover, to be able to customize everything you buy to your individual requirements.

At Work

  • You are almost certainly self-employed, enmeshed in a network of contracts, bounty work, etc., which serve instead of Earth-style employer-employee relations. (Even in a restaurant, for example, the waitstaff are independent contractors – the restaurant pays them a retainer to be there, the customer then pays them individually to serve his table.) Even the “Big 26” interstellar starcorporations are relatively small corporate cores with a huge contractual network surrounding them.
  • Indeed, employment as such doesn’t generally exist in the Empire. Business and individuals generally contract for the performance of specific jobs, but the time-selling relations of “employment” gives away too much control – while it would not be illegal or even immoral to contract it, to most Imperials, it is “unbecoming to the dignity of a free man”.
  • You pretty much can take all the vacation each year you want; you’re used to only needing to work about a third of a week for most contracts, although you probably work more hours by choice. You expect to be able to take long (multi-year) sabbaticals on occasion, and most people do – at least to raise their children.
  • You’re intensely distrustful of “welfare” ideas, believing firmly that people should earn a living and not take handouts – mélith has some fairly harsh things to say on the topic of unbalanced exchanges and accepting (or giving) something for nothing. Besides, where would they get the money? It’s not like you can just magic it into existence from thin air.
  • That said, there is the Citizen’s Dividend, but that’s not money for nothing – that’s the dividend you collect on your citizen-share, which is to say, the profit the government makes on administering public goods, natural resources, and externalities being properly returned to its citizen-shareholders. Besides, everyone gets that, from the fresh-minted underemployed to the long-standing quintillionaire.
  • Any business, or individual for that matter, will accept a direct credit transfer. And in most shops, this happens automatically – just take what you want and walk out.

Entertainment and Media

  • Popular entertainment includes music (all forms can be considered popular, except the most gratuitously complicated forms of opera and metatonal), an extensive literary culture (in which SF is the Genre That Ate The Mainstream, better known as “realist fiction”), epic poetry, graphic novels, watchvids (i.e., non-interactive movies and television), InVids, slinkies, virtual-reality games, virtual-reality cosmoi, regular computer games, RPGs, board, card, and other games, mechanical toys, recreational dueling and non-combat challenges, haut cuisine, and participatory sports.
  • Elite entertainment is much the same. (If asked, an Imperial would point out sniffily that our distinction between high culture and low culture is a product of a class structure rooted in primate status bigotry – which is not a universal trait.)
  • You’re familiar with Filia Calanté, Laurië Arches, Tirial Sereda, Élalie Celestial, Llanie Celestial, Kalcé Eloünithais, Victoria Diarch, An Ending Not In Fire, “Clockwork Fires, Clockwork Passions”, Facets, “Ah, Yes, The People”, Senior Service, Princes of the Spire, On the Drift, Legends of the Before and Sword Words.
  • You can drink alcohol, smoke assorted plant products, and ingest assorted recreational pharmaceuticals to your heart’s content, provided that the effects of doing so don’t cause you to break any actual laws. There’s no actual age limit set on this, although what one’s parents and/or tort insurer might say is another matter.
  • The people who appear on the most popular talk shows are usually authors, artists, scientists and philosophers, with a smattering of entertainers; politicians appear only rarely, and strange and obnoxious individuals are politely invited to do so somewhere else (outside the nearest airlock, for example).
  • You’re aware that the Imperial Broadcasting Corporation and its news service are only objective in the sense of being “objectively pro-Imperial”, and don’t really attempt to claim otherwise. But you still get most of your news from them anyway.
  • Foreign media are neither dubbed nor subtitled; they generally come with downloadable language and cultural-knowledge sets which you can insert into your brain for proper enjoyment of the film, etc.
  • Journalists are expected to keep their collective noses out of people’s private lives. If they actually find something illegal or dishonorable, that’s one thing, but privacy laws and media rep-nets are strict.
  • You probably know the rules of whatever sport you happen to be interested in yourself, but it’s not likely that you share it with everyone, or even most people, you know. In any case, sports are something you play, not something you watch. Also, any serious sport is played with the mind, not just the body – martial arts and complex physical games are the favored examples, here.
  • You may well spend several afternoons a week at the local esklav-shop, and/or several evenings a week at the local wine-shop, often playing games with friends while you’re there. The Empire may not have the best café culture in the galaxy, but it’s gone a long way to making it a lifestyle.

Everyone Knows That

  • A million is 12^6 and a billion is 12^12. Some die-hards still hang onto 16^8 and 16^16 from the Online Emperors’ Great Hexadecimal Reform, but there aren’t many of those.
  • Likewise, the decimal point is a duodecimal point.
  • If you’re not a scientist, things are measured in the traditional Imperial system (sic), based on a number of factors intended for maximal convenience. If you are a scientist, you use the same base units, but prefix them with powers of twelve.
  • Dates are written year-month-day, where month is the month-name, in Imperial Standard Time, and as a single count of pulses, kilopulses, megapulses, etc. in weavetime – with some additional fields for interstellar clock drift and relativistic frame correction. You use the former for commercial and the latter for scientific/engineering purposes. And every world has its own calendar to allow for its own orbital cycles – these vary widely, especially on worlds that are tide-locked, or moons. There are no specific dates carved in the collective memory except for the national (Great Festival of the Empire, Armament Day, etc.), local, and seasonal holidays – which are often pinned to different calendars, anyway.

In Crisis

  • You’re almost certainly healthy and unused to being sick; and have had regular training-downloads in first aid and other emergency skillsets. You will assume that everyone around you will also react appropriately in case of accidents.
  • You can count on excellent medical treatment (you have health insurance, which is an insignificantly small expense even for the underemployed). You know you’re not going to die from disease or any but the most severe injury – and only that if you neglect to keep your mind-state backups up to date and your incarnation insurance paid for.
  • You expect your doctor to treat you like any other hired professional; which is to say, you propose, and they dispose. Doctors are expected to respect your choices, and while they may advise, they may not presume to dictate your lifestyle.
  • You probably have a situational subpersonality to manage any really severe disasters that occur – but you never expect to use it.
  • You have the right to bear arms, and you exercise it – usually a pistol-class (it’s actually a flechette-firing mass driver, in the modern era) gun and a short blade. (You learned the arts of sword, gun, and fist as part of your basic education.) You’re suspicious of people who don’t – don’t they have any sense of civic duty?
  • You are appalled by the thought of violence. How barbaric! Nonetheless, you’re rather good at it, just in case some turns up unexpectedly. You can see no contradiction whatsoever in this.

Love, Sex, Marriage

  • Marriage isn’t a state matter (and that it is elsewhere confuses you); it’s privately contracted between the spouses. You expect marriages to be for love, not arranged (how horrible – only one step from chattel slavery!), although matchmaking is acceptable. Marriages are actually performed by the couple themselves, but there’s often an appropriate religious attendance, and while the ceremony itself is usually quite short, the attending celebrations often last most of a day.
  • Marriage is usually for couples, but can be contracted between any arbitrary number of people (technically, legal persons, but this is not an option that is often exercised) of any sex, race, species, clade, etc. Society doesn’t raise many eyebrows at this unless it gets incredibly outré, and even then, the eyebrow-raising stays confined to “That’s odd”, not “That’s evil and should be banned!”
  • You would never think of rank, wealth, or other forms of status as a barrier to love or marriage. If someone suggested to you that it might be, you might point out that if the Emperor (Leyn I, 1932-2292) can marry a rankless member of the underemployed class, then it’s no problem for anyone else, either. And she made a good Empress, too.
  • If someone (Senator, businessman… anyone really) has been cheating on his/her spouse, and assuming they survived the breach-of-contract penalties, they’re a Defaulter. And almost certainly unable to continue in any sort of professional capacity, paying cash for everything, and with a long road to walk to rehabilitate themselves, since if a soph’ll break his word to his wife, of all people, why in Tárvalén’s name would anyone else take his oath-contract?
  • Promiscuity is also frowned upon – while the unmarried may engage in relationships of varying degrees of formality (including the equivalent of friends-with-benefits) with society’s blessing, indulging in one-night stands will attract social opprobrium to either sex.
  • If a man/woman/herm has sex with another man/woman/herm, it’s nothing particularly notable.
  • If you’re a woman, whether you can go to the beach (or walk down the street, etc.) topless (your species and secondary sexual characteristics may vary) pretty much depends on where you are in the Empire and what the local culture’s like – not as a matter of law, but in terms of the effect it’ll have on your courtesy rep-net score. In Telesté, forget it. In Eädrin, certainly. Down on the Cyrsan Islands, it’s unusual not to. (The public baths are generally ambisexual everywhere, though.)
  • You don’t have a taboo against nudity in the media – or sex education, for that matter – but you do insist that it be presented in good taste. (Outworld purveyors of, say, pornography can more or less understand being denounced by the Empire’s Moral Guardians on the grounds that their product is appallingly crass, but still can’t quite wrap their minds around being denounced by said Moral Guardians on the grounds that the participants don’t look like they’re having enough fun. And yes, how to have a good time is also covered in their sex education materials – indeed, with their low birth rate and low risk of accidental pregnancy and STDs thanks to bioengineering, in the modern day, it’s most of them.)
  • You were probably not born, as such; something within epsilon of 100% of your fellow born-embodied Imperials were gestated in vitro, these days. You probably find the notion of an in vivo pregnancy archaic and rather disturbing. Both your parents were probably present at your decanting, however.
  • Thus, you think that abortions are a relic of the barbarous past before contraception and in vitro reproduction, and the whole concept really makes you quite queasy.


  • Belief in the eikones is somewhat redundant these days, since they now physically exist. It would be like believing in your neighbor, or gravity. It is very likely that you believe in their principles, however, and whether or not you do, they believe in you.
  • There is an established church, but unlike most state religions it’s run by the state, not the other way around (informally known as “Their Divine Majesties’ Embassy to Heaven“). It doesn’t have sovereign privilege, though, or any but an advisory role in government.
  • You have no problem with other religions existing around the place, as long as they’re orderly and respect the civilities. Except for some of those exclusive monotheisms, whose insistence on monopoly and on insulting everyone else is just plain annoying.
  • If you died tonight… well, first, you’d be surprised and annoyed, because you weren’t expecting to do that for a long time, if ever. Then they’d come yank your backup out of your head and have you walking around in a new body by morning.
  • If you died intentionally tonight, though, they’d come yank your backup out of your head and then upload you to the afterlife, wherein – after hanging around for a while as an ancestral subroutine – you are swirled and mixed and become part of the great Transcendent overmind.


  • You’re likely to have good social skills of the “civilized” variety.
  • To you, courtesy is mandatory – even to your most despised enemies – and hospitality is expected as a matter of course.
  • Once you’re introduced to someone, you continue to call them by their formal name or title until they invite you to switch to the informal form – whatever your relative circumstances.
  • You find dirt, messiness, litter and so forth distasteful, but pitch in automatically to clean them up, and feel baffled resentment towards those who don’t do their part. Everything around you is kept well-maintained, gleaming, polished, and shiny-bright.
  • You don’t understand self-deprecation and don’t like humility – to you, it smells like fraud, or at least strikes a very false note. You expect people to be proud of their accomplishments and not afraid to talk them up as much as they deserve.
  • You appreciate privacy in your own home and office, but are used to being on the record in public, to strangers knowing your name and something about you, and you see constant surveillance/sousveillance as a valuable social tool.
  • You think most problems could be solved if only people would sit down and agree to do things rationally, and refrain from infringing upon each other’s perquisites.
  • Race isn’t about skin color, although as a technical term it is about subsets of species in a phenotypic sense. And cladization through biotechnology is much more significant anyway. But socially…
  • …what’s much more important is whether you’re an Imperial citizen-shareholder, ‘culturally Imperial’ (a best-fit translation for their term which glosses “observer of the Civilities”), an outworlder, or a barbarian. (The difference between the last two is essentially the difference between “strange and unfamiliar culture” and “strange and unfamiliar culture that’s objectionable enough to need a good kicking”.)
  • You have no knowledge of the streets or underworld – the Empire has no “bad neighborhoods” and very little crime. Its meanest streets barely qualify as curmudgeonly. (Unless you’re one of those free traders bringing the wonders of free trade to assorted prohibitionist civilizations, of course.)
  • Thus, there’s nowhere in the city you’d want to avoid at night (or at any other time, for that matter).
  • You expect, as a matter of course, that communications, utilities, and other infrastructure will “just work”. If they don’t work – if a power cut lasts longer than a flicker, for example – it means either a natural disaster, or something that will result in a storm of lawsuits. Replacing equipment is routine.
  • The road-grid, railways, skyways, etc., are well-managed, largely automated, and run like clockwork. Delays and traffic jams are unusual, and consequently, you tend to treat them as serious problems, or indicators of serious problems.
  • You aren’t a farmer; in fact, only a few people supplying the luxury food market are. Most food comes from vertical farms or skyfarms, often hydroponic, or carniculture vats.
  • You aren’t concerned about what family someone comes from these days, unless their entire lineage (not just their House) is prominent among the Names and Numbers.
  • School doesn’t exist as an institution; you get your primary education at home, from your parents, other family members and friends, tutors and remote courses, and autodidactically.
  • University education doesn’t have a fixed length – it depends entirely on what you choose to study, as does the nature of your eventual qualification, and you will return to it many times over the course of your life. It’s not free, but first time around, commercial loans or securities against future income are easy to float and not too costly.
  • You probably speak two languages yourself, your local language and the Eldraeic interlingua. You’d respect someone who speaks more languages (without electronic translation, which is ubiquitous), but you very likely don’t speak them well enough to communicate with a monolingual offworlder.
  • You went over the generalities of Imperial and local-region history, and a smattering of galactic history, in your primary education; not much else, unless something caught your interest.
  • Changing your name isn’t particularly difficult, but your old one stays on file as an alias – and most family names and some personal names are trademarks that can’t be used without permission of their owners.
  • The normal thing, when a couple dies permanently, is for their estate to be divided roughly equally among their children, usually by specific prearrangement, except for any entailed properties – although people permadie so rarely that it never seems all that “normal”.
  • If a woman is plumper than the average – well, that’s between your personal taste and her ability to carry it off, now isn’t it? (The Empire esteems beauty, but does so according to hundreds of thousands of idiosyncratic personal visions.) If you were to generalize, you’d concede that it helps to be tall, pale, distinctive, and terrifyingly competent, but it’s not like there aren’t a lot of awfully beautiful and/or attractive people out there who have gone the other way on at least the first two of those.

Space and Time

  • If you have an appointment, you’ll be sure to turn up a couple of minutes late. While you’ll apologize if you’re more than five minutes late, being early (or on time for that matter) is worse.
  • If you have two appointments – or two events you want to go to – scheduled simultaneously, you don’t hesitate to fork yourself and attend both.
  • It’s acceptable to simply show up at someone’s place – but your interaction there may be limited to handing over your visiting card, because it’s also acceptable for them not to see you if they’re busy. Most visits – and anything involving a meal – are arranged by invitation.
  • When you do have a guest, you will offer them a drink and a light snack immediately.
  • If you invite people over for a meal, it’s understood that you’re providing the food; if they do bring something, it’s understood that you will open it and eat or drink it as part of that occasion, not save it for later.
  • If you invite people out for a meal, the one doing the inviting always pays the bill.
  • If you have a business appointment or interview with someone, you expect to have that person to yourself, but the business may take as long as needed in the context. A prolonged business meeting is often a social occasion, too.
  • When you negotiate, you are polite, of course, but it’s only good business to negotiate sharply. Some foreigners pay excessive attention to status (“Even the Imperial Couple enjoy a sharp deal!“), or don’t say what they mean, and that’s exasperating.
  • You haggle in markets and “market-style” shops. You don’t haggle in other shops. This applies whatever the products are that are being sold.
  • You think it’s rude to touch people you’re not intimate with, except to the small degree allowed in meeting rituals. Even then, it’s a fingertip-brush, not a hand-clasp; to shake hands (as a test of strength) would be simply rude. You avoid crowds as a matter of unconscious habit.
  • If you’re talking to someone, you get uncomfortable if they approach closer than about three feet; much the same applies to when you sit down next to someone.

The State

  • You firmly believe that the Empire doesn’t have politics, and would be very annoyed if it ever started having politics. The job of the government is to keep the absolutely necessary machinery running so that the rest of you can get on with your own lives and otherwise stay out of everyone’s way, and you don’t want to participate in it, thank you so much. That’s their job, and you send off your check every Tax Day so that you don’t have to do it yourself.
  • Socialism? What’s that? Oh, well, that’s no different from any other political philosophy – it’s an elaborate justification for why theft, forced labor, and oppression are justified this time. (And anyone who defends it or any other political philosophy is at best deluded, at worst insane, or possibly an evil tyrant wannabe.)
  • Democracy? Codswallop. The only distinction between democracy and autocracy, oligarchy, or whatever, is whether someone’s been clever, bold, and self-aware enough to grab a monopoly on the slaving-bastard trade or if they’re all trying to do it to each other. Look, old chap, if somewhere has politics at all, it’s already undergone a moral collapse and the details are only of interest to academicians and whatever poor bloody kerc-rakhel are stuck living with them.
  • You think any (income) tax level much above 10% is scandalously high. The constitutional maximum (20%) would be totally outrageous, and 3%-4% is much more reasonable these days. Deliberate progressive taxation, asset taxes, sales taxes, gift taxes, estate taxes, excises and any other such things are no more than legalized robbery.
  • You take a strong court system for granted, even though you’ll almost certainly never use it. You know that if you went into business and had a problem with a customer, supplier, or partner, you could take them to court; although you’d expect to settle the problem through the mediary system first.
  • You know, however, that frivolous lawsuits will not only not be rewarded, but will be actively punished by the courts – which includes the assumption of the courts that anything the manual warned you about which you subsequently did is entirely your fault for not paying attention.
  • You know, there really aren’t that many lawyers. (The legal system has to suffer under the precedent-enshrined notion that so long as you maintain that ignorance of the law is no excuse, you have to actually have laws that a regular citizen-shareholder can learn, discover and comprehend.)
  • You seriously expect to be able to transact business or deal with the government without paying bribes, and for anyone caught requesting a bribe to be severely punished. (If you do business abroad, you are at least aware of the semiformal legal hypocrisy by which the law takes no interest in any bribing of foreigners you might do; their dishonesty is none of our business, now is it?)
  • It not only seems natural to you that businesses should be privately run, it seems frankly immoral and possibly perverted that they shouldn’t be. (The only tiny exceptions to that are the natural monopolies, and even then only to the least extent possible – sure, the government can run the power grid because you can’t run multiple companies wires’ to every building, but only the grid, not the generators, for example.)
  • The police aren’t armed any more heavily than anyone else (which is to say, they’re armed with pistol-class guns); and they’re actually safer to be around for criminals than the average citizen, because they’re obliged to try to arrest them.
  • However, on the – very rare – occasions that something like a riot or a hostage situation does turn up, the police will happily wave the nearest military force in to clean up the mess and arrest anyone unlucky enough to survive – afterwards, the “unfortunate incident” will be quietly ignored by all.
  • You find it baffling that anyone would have a problem with executing convicted violent criminals; and will point to the extremely transparent and thorough judicial system as evidence that you don’t run any significant risk of executing an innocent by mistake. The notion that it might be per se wrong is not one you’ve considered anyone might seriously believe.
  • You expect the Empire’s foreign policy to be run largely for its own benefit – although, as you will point out, this ought also to be for other people’s benefit, too! (Surely even foreign idiots understand about free trade and cooperation being mutually beneficial.) But anyway – they can form their own governments to look after them, can’t they?
  • You expect the military to fight wars, not get involved in politics (which you don’t have, anyway). You probably know the name of the First Lord of the Admiralty (who is not a civilian), but may not know those of any of the other senior officers.
  • …at least, you don’t expect the military to get involved in Imperial politics. But you know what happens in the Expansion Regions sometimes, and, well, even if you disapprove, you know what the Expansion Regions can be like.
  • There is no military conscription in the Empire – why, that’s slavery! Anyway, you’d volunteer, if you were needed, and any country that can’t count on its citizens to do that doesn’t deserve to survive.
  • Your country has never been conquered by a foreign nation.

Contributions to galactic civilization

  • You’re joking, right? Everyone knows that the Empire invented civilization.
  • Despite the Empire being one of the founding members of the Conclave of Galactic Polities, you’re at least partially aware of the cynical compromise that it did so largely to forestall it turning into anything resembling a galactic government – and you don’t really consider it relevant or useful. (The latter mostly because the useful things it does do are all external infrastructure, which you neither see nor, for the most part, use directly, even though you’d miss it if it went away.)
  • You don’t really need to learn foreign languages except for fun, the Empire having contributed its interlingua (Eldraeic) to the Associated Worlds for general use – or rather, having contributed a worn-down, simplified pidgin version (Trade) that many translators work to/from. This actually annoys you immensely – if people aren’t prepared to learn – or encode – the language properly, they should find something else to speak, not invent some half-assed barbarous jargon with all the subtleties broken off.

Trope-a-Day: Bioluminescence Is Cool

Bioluminescence Is Cool: And available in several varieties from your local bodysculpt clinic, along with some interesting variations on the theme of chromatophores.  Ah, fashion industry, what will you bring us next?

Also used for some more practical purposes, like non-electrically dependent emergency lighting, engineered glowing trees for streetlights, detectors of this and that, etc., etc.

First First Contact (2)

CS Extropy Rising, one light-day outside Galáré system.

Sophont intervention required.

Supercargo processor: Engage emergency revival sequence for Command Conference in accordance with protocol 1030.

Core, Cryobay Ess Zero.

Fire and ice.

Microwaves hammered at the frozen bodies hanging in the thick blue gel that filled the cryotubes, bringing them slowly back up to a temperature suitable for bringing them back to life.  Tapping their energy as flesh thawed, the crude nanites perfused into the bodies’ tissues before chill-down came sluggishly into action, attempting to patch the gross damage of cryostasis with a sensation like ten-thousand red-hot needles, then sending painful trickles of electrical current down raw nerves to coax activity from reawakening muscles and organs.

Flight Commander Svínif Andracanth-ith-Cyranth leaned over the side of his cryotube, wet, naked and shivering, and spewed a long stream of greasy gray-green freezer-porridge onto the deckplates; then hung there, caught between coughing, retching, and trying not to do both at once.  Around him in the bay, he was aware through the sick throbbing in his head of the rest of the command crew doing much the same.

“…I repeat: Non-emergency critical exception in progress.  Command Conference to the bridge, please.  Command Conference to the bridge.”

Trope-a-Day: Bio Augmentation

Bio Augmentation: And how.  While not exclusively their preserve by any means, the Imperials are so aggressively transsophontist that pretty much everyone you meet is a walking treasure-trove of millennia of biotechnological advancement.  Not that the original bioengineers, or the later nanoengineers, knew exactly which direction apotheosis lay in, but evidently they figured that “impossibly beautiful immortal geniuses with superpowers” was at least a good start.  In hundreds or thousands of different varieties.  Per original species.

Very, Very Small States

“The Microstatic Commission is the Impies’ bad joke at the expense of the rest of us.  You don’t really think they care about thousands of tiny freeholds, do you?  It’s just another means they use to defeat anyone’s attempt to build real institutions and real stability in the Worlds, in the same way as they use the bully pulpit of their Presidium seat to defeat any attempts to give the Conclave some teeth.”

“They encumber the Accord with hundreds, at least, of insignificant delegations – and at the same time, by forcing their recognition and permitting them to equip themselves with military-grade weaponry, they hamstring any actual polity’s attempt to deal with separatist movements, money laundering, tax havens, smuggling, data havens, citizenships-of-convenience, and the other various violations of sophont rights that come along with permitting this promiscuous multiplication of sovereignties by anyone who can get a ship out beyond claimed volumes!”

– Ambassador Sev Mal Criol, League of Meridian

“The Imperials certainly do have their own reasons for propping up the Microstatic Commission and thereby all we free drifts and small freesoil worlds.  I’ve never believed otherwise – for myself, I think they do find us useful in their ideological competition with the centralizing factions in the Accord – and I doubt very much any of my colleagues are naïve enough to do so either.  But they don’t require that we agree with them, vote with them, fight with them, or trade with them – or, indeed, apparently do anything but exist – in exchange for lending the weight of their credence to our sovereignty, and so we don’t really care what those reasons are.”

“As long as they don’t change, anyway.  But for centuries past and for now, it’s helped keep us free and independent of the polities we abandoned and old-school imperialists like Sev Mal’s League, and that’s good enough for me.”

– Ambassador Restal ni Korat an Aiym, Autarchic Habitat of Koesnrat (pop. 47)

“Well, of course we have our own reasons, but they’re hardly as cynical as even Ambassador ni Korat an Aiym implies.  Just because it is a matter of ideology doesn’t mean that it’s not sincere – and I will ask you the same question I would ask any of the challengers of the Microstatic Commission’s members’ rights.  How many does it take to be considered sovereign?  A hundred, a thousand, a million?  A billion?  Why not a trillion, while we’re setting thresholds, and throw quite a few of the loudest complainers out of the Accord?”

“We maintain that this number is one – as our own constitutional arrangements would imply to anyone who studied them – because no larger kind of sovereignty existed until this one, and that one, and those other ones, came together to make them with their own powers.  And should some thousands, or some hundreds, or some tens, or even one alone choose to exercise it themselves, we’ll support them in that.  As a matter of principle.”

– Presiding Minister Calis Corith-ith-Corith, Empire of the Star

“All of these are true.”

– ‘Victoria Diarch’, pseudonymous extranet pundit

Via Geek and Sundry…

…and to push the bounds of my “relevant” category a little, but what we see here at, oh, 3:45 through 4:12 is now totally part of the mental image in my head when I imagine the Glorious Imperial Sky-Ship Fleet, back in the Age of Steel and Steam.


Only, y’know, 7′ 2″ with pointy ears.

(P.S. While you’re here, go subscribe to Geek and Sundry.  It is, like damn near everything else Felicia Day touches, made of pure awesome.)

Trope-a-Day: Binary Suns

Binary Suns: Reality may be unrealistic, but that’s the way it is.  Quite a decent number of the systems of the Associated Worlds, including many of the inhabited ones.  Most prominent among these is the eldrae homeworld, Eliéra, which orbits one component of a far binary, with (essentially) the effects listed under Subtype IIa (“Bright And Dark Seasons” – With low axial tilt or near the equator, at one point both suns will appear close in the sky, and it becomes night when both set. About half a planet year later, usually one sun will be in the sky, and there will hardly be a real night).  This effect also provides Eliéra’s seasons, and the long orbit of the second sun about the first also creates a regular, multi-year climatic variation, “deep summer” and “deep winter”.


As its end slipped clear of the ribosome, the protein folded once more, pivoting around now free-to-move bonds… snapping back against the already closely-folded main body.

Brelyn Calaris muttered an imprecation upon the heads of all uncooperative fabzymes, paused the simulation, and grabbed the protein with both hands, peering muttering into the region of the faulty fold.  “Where are you, you little ictoch?”  Her fingers slipped along the stem of the protein, feeling the orbitals.  “Too far, too far… could rotate freely, that’s just a hydrogen bond… Hm.  What is that doing there?”

The object of her ire was an innocuous-looking sulfur-sulfur connection.  “Too close, those cysteines.  Can’t be having that.”  A flick of her wrist spun the simulation back in time, and she took hold of the end of the protein chain and snapped the peptide bond before the outermost offending cysteine.  “Let’s give it a chaperone.”  Tap, tap.  “Something polar-friendly, for preference.”  She pulled an arginine molecule out of the palette and twisted it into place on the chain’s new end, then reattached the cysteine after it.  (In the secondary transcription display, a new codon quietly inserted itself in the matching place.)  “And rerun.”

Once more, the protein slipped out of the ribosome and folded itself, its terminal end this time remaining in position protruding from the main body.  “Fab test.”  She watched the playback as other foreground molecules were introduced into the simulation; some slipping neatly into the new protein’s active site, meeting their counterparts, and being transformed, while a counter raced upwards with each successfully simulated catalyzation the parallel-processors executed.

When the counter reached one million, Brelyn dismissed the protein-simulator display with a clap, leaving behind just the transcription display, then reached into her working area to pluck out the main model for her project, a simulation of the ECH-20 commercial fabrication bacterium.  Opening it up, she spun the main customization plasmid around until the remaining space was visible – this was the twelfth fabzyme gene her production process required – plucked the new gene out of the transcription display, and slipped it into place.

“Right, System.  Bactry simulation, ten hours and 10,000 runs each, all the usual variations – what’ll that take, wall-clock time?”

“Six hours, Brelyn.”

“Good.  If it passes, no anomalies, send it straight for sequence printing and fab, and get cultures under way.  If not, page me.  Oh, and if all goes well tell Chelan that, he can have his drug sample for vivo testing by tomorrow afternoon.  Explicit.”

She blinked opened eyes against the room’s half-light, flicked damp red hair back over her virtuality laser-port, and stretched.  But right now, time for a late dinner.

Trope-a-Day: Big Eater

Big Eater: Of course, this depends greatly on species, which in fairness doesn’t count, because it applies equally to everyone of that species.  It does apply – in its “thin kind” form, mostly – to most transsophonts, though, simply because none of their modifications repeals the law of conservation of energy, and so that energy has to come from somewhere…

To work an example, the caloric requirements for an average eldrae baseline, before extensive transsophontism set in, were around 3,500 kcal/day (contrast with the human requirement of the order of 2,250 kcal/day; powering various capabilities the Precursors found desirable already made their metabolisms run fairly hot).  By the time you count in the modifications included in the modern alpha baseline, that’s roughly been doubled (i.e., around 7,000 kcal/day), although food intake hasn’t increased that much because of efficiency improvements made to the digestive system, including the ability to digest quite a healthy portion of the cellulose included in the diet.  So, yes, rich food and plenty of it, eaten heartily, is the rule of the day!

Additional enhancements, like, say, all the military-grade combat add-ons, of course, only increase the effect.  And also, that’s base rate, before exercise, etc., are taken into consideration.  I have not yet addressed what MREs are made of in this universe, but if I turned out to be a big steak with buttery mashed potatoes and a sherry trifle chaser, it would not surprise me one bit.

(Also, yes, there are people who have noticed this – really fairly obvious – effect and so tap the secondary market created by selling artificial immune systems, etc., as calorie-consuming slimming aids.  Of course there are.)

What’s Mine Is Me

“The Curia has heard the plaintiffs’ argument that they merely engaged in ‘creative nonviolence’, and that therefore the use of force against them was unjustified.”

“The Curia unequivocally rejects this argument.  The term itself betrays a profound misunderstanding of the Right of Defense as it exists in the Fundamental Contract.  As the philosopher Arlannath stated seventy years before the founding of the Empire in his exegesis of the Right of Defense, ‘A sword is not an argument’.  To grant further context to this, we may cite sources as ancient as Saravoné’s Code in defense of the legal principle that el daráv valté eloé có-sa dal [‘a sophont is equivalent to all that he possesses’].”

“Thus we restate that the Right of Defense is not a protection against mere violence or physical compulsion, but against coercion of the will through whatever means applied, including indirect actions applied through other aspects of the self, for the preservation of the liberties of the individual.”

“As such, we affirm that situations where citizen-shareholders of the Empire, including coadunate citizens, or other parties adherent to the Fundamental Contract or equivalent civilities, are deprived of the use, occupation, or inherently-arising value of their own property, including personal freedom of action within private property or publicly administered commons, or subjected to trespass, properly constitute a violation of the liberties of the individual as stated in Imperial law.  Such deprivation is, in practical effect, illegitimate coercion of the will as much as overtly violent acts directed against the individual citizen-shareholder.”

“We further affirm that such activities clearly fall within the ambit of the Right of Defense, and that therefore citizen-shareholders of the Empire possess an unalienable right to respond to them with force, up to and including deadly force.”

“The Curia finds for the DEFENDANTS, who are VINDICATED upon all counts.  The plaintiffs’ charges are DISMISSED and their requests for compensatory and punitive damages are DENIED.”

– Children of Necessity v. Ultimate Argument Risk Control, ICC and Corona Ergetics, ICC, Curia

Trope-a-Day: Big Dumb Object

Big Dumb Object: Oh, plenty.  Leaving aside those belonging to elder races – and thus little known due to the ability to enforce the Do Not Taunt rule – the Empire has a partially completed Dyson Sphere in the works at Corícal Ailek (it’s where the Transcend keeps its brain; and it’s the swarm kind, not the shell kind) and another at Esilmúr (a primary antimatter production facility; the solar-wind-inflated-bubble kind), and the Photonic Network has at least one under construction somewhere in its interior.  Then there are assorted Stellar Husbandry Arrays floating over Imperial stars and keeping them running nice and smoothly and for rather longer, in theory, than they otherwise would.

Some spacedocks/construction slips probably qualify in the minor leagues due to the sheer size of a fleet carrier/grapeship megafreighter, as does the Conclave Drift drift-habitat that houses the Conclave of Galactic Polities, and I suspect that the manufacturer would strongly contend that the Ring Dynamics, ICC Interstellar Stargate (Mark III), a.k.a. the big framework/space station/support machine that wormhole ends get wrapped in, absolutely counts for these purposes.

And there’s more…

The Job Free Market (3/3)

It is important to realize, when working in the Empire, that your connection to your employer is defined strictly by your contract.  There are rarely benefits attached to it (the tax system does not advantage providing them, and the locals almost all prefer additional fungible money), nor are there specific laws governing working hours or other working conditions.  (Despite this caution, the latter are almost universally excellent; Imperial businesses have operated on the basis of the need to optimize the productivity of a highly skilled and formerly sharply limited labor pool for a very long time.)  It is entirely up to you to manage how much you want to work in any given period, when and how much vacation time you wish to take (by not taking contracts, or if you are on a time-bounded contract, by negotiating for what you consider a reasonable “duty cycle”), and what other conditions you are prepared to accept.  In almost all cases, all these conditions are negotiable, much more so than you are probably used to.

Likewise, while Initiatives may have suggestions for and even be willing to sponsor certain training – in exchange for contract considerations on your part – your professional development is also entirely in your hands.  If you intend to have a career of any length, you will need to put aside money and time for ongoing education, training, and downloadable skillsets to keep up with the current state of the art.

In short, you must learn to manage yourself.

Another consideration you must pay attention to is the requirements of a given contract where tools and facilities are concerned.  Some contracts require you to use the Initiative’s facilities and equipment, or facilities and equipment contracted-in by them; some require you to use your own, or facilities and equipment you have contracted for the use of; yet others permit either, at your choice.  This is something you must pay attention to in particular, since the remuneration you are looking for obviously will differ in each case.

You should also make sure that your tort insurance covers the work you intend to perform.  (In addition to professional indemnity cover, your tort insurance should also cover you for health -emergency-and-third-party breaches; if you are, for whatever reason, unable to perform as your contract requires, your counterparty will seek to recover the costs incurred by that default, or of hiring your temporary or permanent replacement, from you or your insurer.)  Typical tort insurance covers both professional indemnity and breach cover for most non-specialized professions, but tort insurance purchased as part of a travel insurance package may not, and specialized professions may require additional cover.  You should check the precise details of your coverage before accepting any contract.

As a final note, please be aware of the nature of the Empire’s job market.  You will be competing in a job market which is largely occupied by highly educated transsophonts accustomed to using intelligence-enhancing biomods and implants, gnostic overlays, mnemonetic skill downloads and other such technologies to enhance their competitive advantage.  This is half of the equation that produces the Empire’s infamous quality standards and intolerance for anything less than the absolute best at all times.

The other half is the near obsessive-compulsive dedication which Imperials manage to bring to their work.  Don’t be misled by their relaxed attitudes outside work, or by the generally short working week which most of them work on; while at work, everything changes, and they have no patience with short-cuts, sloppiness, or failure to keep up.

If you aren’t fully prepared to do what you have to to succeed in that environment, which may well include brain surgery, psychedesign, and many other items from the transophontist menu, don’t go.  It will just be a very expensive way to fail.

– Working in the Worlds, Kernuaz Alliés

Trope-a-Day: Big Brother Is Watching

Big Brother Is Watching: And his name, in the Empire, is Citizen Oversight.

Subverted, rather, inasmuch as it’s not principally a law enforcement instrumentality.  It, and its extensive surveillance/geolocation/other-sensory grid, drones, etc. – in public spaces only, and privately-owned-but-open-to-the-public don’t count (i.e., those places where, by law and custom, you have no expectation of privacy) – and its data mining/correlation application exist primarily to provide the raw data feed that gets broken down into the statistical information that even a government as minimal as the Empire’s needs to keep things running efficiently.  (Indeed, Citizen Oversight is not part of the Ministry of Harmonious Serenity with the other law enforcement/security instrumentalities; it’s under the Ministry of the Empire, instead, which mostly handles civic infrastructure functions and includes the Protectorate of Balance, Externality, and the Commons.)

They do, however, have non-sophont AI monitors watching the raw feed which will drop a line to the Watch Constabulary if they see a need for police or paramedics, or to the Emergency Management Authority, or to the people responsible for doing maintenance on public property, and so on and so forth.

Subverted doubly inasmuch as this is by no means a private government grid; under the Transparency Act – and because it helps to pay for it – it’s available for use by any member of the public who wants it, from advertisers, journalists, sousveillants and bloggers to the old lady down the street, with the commensurate uses they find for it in play.

It is to be noted that this isn’t supposed to be dystopian, nor would the notion that it might be even occur to anyone there – despite the fact that I, for one, wouldn’t trust any Earth government with even a fraction of this kind of panopticon.  In a culture that is both vastly more freewheeling than ours in most ways (and strongly maintains the notion in etiquette of not interfering in that which is not your proper concern) and which supports a much smaller and less intrusive government… well, the locals like the notion that ambulances will be dispatched to accidents before they’re done happening, that the police will always be called as soon as possible, that problems are reported instantly, that all the advertising they see is relevant to their interests, etc.

By Their Own Words

“Order, Progress, Liberty”

– official, Charter-enshrined motto of the Empire

“Secure against Eternity.”

– corporate motto, Crystal Flame, ICC

“All debts must be paid.”

– official motto of the Curia

“Because enough… is never enough.”

– corporate motto, Decadence, ICC

“Through reason alone, we ascend.”

– motto of the Eupraxic Collegium

“Every coin Our given word.”

– carved above the main doors of the Exchequer

“Knowledge is its own justification.”

– official motto of the Fellowship of Natural Philosophy

“We do what we can, because we must.”

– very unofficial motto of the Fellowship of Natural Philosophy

“Between the Flame and the Fire.”

– official motto of the Imperial Military Service

“Civilization has enemies; we kill the bastards.”

– barrack-room paraphrase of the motto of the Imperial Military Service

“Until no man dares command another.”

– motto of the Sanguinary Enforcers of the Liberty Ethic

“The truth that sears away the Darkness.”

– corporate motto, Telememe, ICC news division

“When all else fails, we stand ready.”

– corporate motto, Ultimate Argument Risk Control, ICC

“[redacted for reasons of state security]”

– motto of Imperial State Security, Fifth Directorate

The Job Free Market (2/3)

Where do you get these contracts?  After all, if employment as such doesn’t exist in the Empire, surely you won’t find any corporations employing hundreds, thousands, or millions of people?

Quite correct.  The Imperial corporation, from relatively small examples all the way up to the Big 26, is simply a nexus; capital, communications, computronium, and the most senior levels of management, usually called the Directorate.  (Which is not to say that they are all run by boards of directors – Imperial corporate law requires no specific organizational schema, so while there are examples of corporations run by conventional boards, there are also examples of corporations run by AI supervisors, reputation-weighted voting, contractee legislatures, internal prediction markets, Fusions or conflux consensuses, and a variety of other methods.)  The Directorate also are not employed by the corporation, instead being rewarded via compensation schemes tied to net profits and other corporate success metrics, as defined by the corporate charter.

More importantly, most work is not contracted directly by the Directorate – and if you were thinking of looking for work in the Directorate, they’ll call you.

Most work is the province of the Initiatives – spun-off “microcorporate” structures with their own internal charter which exist to perform some specific task – execute on a project, develop a software package, run a factory, operate a particular store, or some such, either as a one-time or a recurring task.  Such Initiatives can be founded by a single corporation or as a joint venture by many – or even by another Initiative – and can be retained by their founders, transferred elsewhere, or sold as a whole.  They receive capital and other resources from their founders, along with their charter and the attention of the Directorate, and usually return whatever profits they make once their obligations are satisfied to their present owners; but Initiatives usually contract for whatever else they need with individuals or other Initiatives, including all the work they need done, managerial, technical, administrative, or otherwise, and any secondary resources they need along the way.

It is among the Initiatives that you are most likely to find counterparties.  (It is important to remember that the majority of contracts are short-term or at best renewable; there are almost no “jobs for life”, and so you will be expected to manage your long-term affairs for yourself in many respects.  More on this later.)  For simple short-term contracts in low- and middle-end fields, the easiest method is to register with Service Gate, ICC, whose dataweave-mediated contract matching and labor market services are used by virtually all Initiatives, and which can therefore find work on a regular basis for all their labor-side clients.  And, of course, if you prove a success at a particular Initiative or with a particular team or manager, you can expect to be called on again for their future contracts.

For more senior or specialized positions, you may be able to find work through specialized path-pointers, but in practice, many if not most of these positions are filled through old-fashioned xicé networking; careful attention to one’s professional society and reputation networks will pay dividends here.

Another possible source of counterparties, if you have some starting capital available, is the so-called “bounty economy”.  In this, many corporations and Initiatives simply post work they wish to be done, problems they wish solved, and so forth, to a bounty registry, along with the amount they will pay for its completion or solution.  (Some, but not all, of these registries let you claim exclusive rights to attempt to solve a given problem for a period of time; others are strictly “winner takes all”.)  Whoever does the work or solves the problem receives the bounty.  These bounties can be a good source of income for the speculatively inclined.

For completeness, there is also the public contracts channel, to which anyone can post low-value contracts for completion by anyone in the area that chooses to pick them up.  While a convenient enough source of petty cash for small favors for anyone, such contracts as a rule don’t amount to enough to be a useful source of primary income.

– Working in the Worlds, Kernuaz Alliés

Linguistic Oddnesses

In official Eldraeic, there is a single word – not hyphenated, even – which means ‘one who creates a forced-growth cross-gender clone of him/herself, imprints the brain of said clone with an animus/anima-inverted fork of his/her own mind-state, and then proceeds to marry his/her new duplicate’.  (There is also a parallel word that refers to following this same procedure with a same-gender clone and a non-a/a-inverted fork.)

Having established this, we can now make the following four deductions:

1. That when you put over a trillion sophonts together, even the most weird people and socioforms get their own words.

2. That however weird you might think yourself to be, you’re almost certainly weak beer in comparison with what is, statistically, quite a large number of people.

3. That Eldraeic, as a language, is more agglutinative than any language has a right to be.

4. That it’s probably a good thing that it’s quite a long word.